Parish Ministries
1. Ministers of the Holy Communion
2. Ministers of the Word
3. Computer Projectionist
4. Mass Coordinators
5. Children’s Liturgy
6. Knights of the Altar (Altar Servers)
7. Music Ministry
All of which require formal training. These ministries are rostered on a four weekly basis, with the exception of the music ministry.
Other ministries include:
Flower arrangements
Caring for altar linen
Church cleaning
Hospitality (help for funeral receptions and other ad hoc parish functions)
If you are interested in ministering in any of the above, please contact the parish office.
The following activities are available at St Mary’s Parish during the year:
St Vincent de Paul group: Meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month in the Foley Centre meeting room at 6pm.
Legion of Mary: Meets every Saturday in the parish church/children's meeting room after the 9.15am Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Each Friday from immediately after the 9.15am Mass through to 4.00pm.
LifeTeen Youth Group meet monthly for the 5pm Sunday Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month followed. by fun and fellowship
Naturally, we run Sacramental preparation groups for Confirmation and First Holy Communion on a yearly basis, as well as RCIA and RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children) for those wanting to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. We have bi-monthly Baptism preparation courses and Adult Education ProgrammesWe also have very active Music Group and Choir and we welcome accomplished musicians and singers.
Please contact the office if you would like to join this happy team 480 7357.